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​Here at EPIC, we will:


  • Provide services in an environment that is suitable to your needs.


  • Provide services which reflect your individual plan for social, personal and health support.


  • Offer services which are sensitive to your cultural, religious and lifestyle needs.


  • Make sure that where meals are provided they will be nutritious and sensitive to your cultural, religious, and dietary needs and a choice will be offered.


  • Make sure that staff are appropriately trained and that the right numbers of staff are available to ensure your safety.


  • Carry out regular checks to ensure the quality of services.


  • Ensure that the Staff who provide services adhere to the Multi agency Safeguarding Adults Policy.


  • Provide services that balance risk management and safety with choice.


  • Ensure that all staff are aware of and sign up to Liverpool’s Dignity in Care Charter and respect your right to dignity in care.


  • Support you to maintain responsibility for your own medication. When this is not possible we will make sure you get the medication you need when you need them in a safe way

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